[资料] 提高你呼吸的建议---swim smooth
Do you struggle with your breathing when swimming freestyle? Perhaps you take on water or feel like you have to crane your head up high to reach air? This year we've received more questions and forum posts about this problem than perhaps any other. It can even be a problem for advanced level swimmers when they become tired. Here's our advice你游自由泳的时候为呼吸感到挣扎吗?也许你觉得你必须抬头才能呼吸?我们的论坛今年以来收到了不少这方面的问题帖子,甚至对高水平的选手来说当他们疲劳的时候,呼吸同样会成为问题,以下是我们的建议 :victory::victory: When your head travels through the water it creates a bow-wave around it, with a slight increase in the water height in front of your head but a large drop in height as it passes your head and neck
http://www.swimsmooth.com/images/archive/blog/bowwave2.jpg When we breathe in freestyle we need to keep our head as low as possible because lifting your head causes your legs to sink. Great breathing technique involves breathing into the trough by the side of your head to keep it as low as possible
http://www.swimsmooth.com/images/archive/blog/bowwave3.jpg Take a close look at the shape of the bow wave and how it's dropping quite steeply as it passes your head
http://www.swimsmooth.com/images/archive/blog/bowwave1.jpg The correct place to aim your mouth is into position A but swimmers who struggle with their breathing are often trying to breathe slightly forwards into position B. The bow wave isn't very deep or well formed there and it will be a real struggle to reliably take on air
http://www.swimsmooth.com/images/archive/blog/bowwave2a.jpg To get the position of your breathing right it may feel like you're breathing very slightly behind you - you should just be able to see your arm-pit as you do this. This will only feel like a slight adjustment - you don't want to breathe too far backwards (position C) as this will twist your body and drag your lead arm across the centre line
http://www.swimsmooth.com/images/archive/blog/crossoverserena.jpg The next time you swim, experiment a little with your breathing position and try and find that sweet-spot where you can reliably find the bow wave trough but not breathe too far behind you and lose your alignment in the water.
下次你游的时候,尝试在波谷中去找到你可以依靠的甜点,但是不要太靠后呼吸,那会让你的身体扭曲 Two other quick tips: Aim to keep your lower goggle underwater when you breathe and experiment with angling your mouth towards the surface like Popeye chews his spinach
爱好冬泳 发表于 2013-2-3 21:53 static/image/common/back.gif
资源共享,谢谢关注。:) 渤海辽河 发表于 2013-2-7 20:13 static/image/common/back.gif
希望能受益。:) 舒心二郎山 发表于 2013-2-8 11:36 static/image/common/back.gif
希望能从中受益,泳技能得到提高。:handshake 分享了顶一个 分享了, 这就是上冬网的好处,能学习到很多知识:victory: 鲟鱼 发表于 2013-2-8 20:41 static/image/common/back.gif
祝你新年快乐朋友。 :victory::victory: 要体会了:sleepy:游游式一下,会有提高的::victory: 好讲解:victory: 收藏了